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Climate Risk Institute

CRI works to advance practice and deliver services related to climate change risk assessment, adaptation planning, policy evaluation and resiliency.


The Climate Risk Institute (CRI) is a non-profit, academically affiliated organization focused on advancing practice and delivering services related to climate change risk assessment, adaptation planning, policy evaluation and resiliency. We run programs and develop and coordinate projects to mobilize knowledge, improve capacity, and deliver results for climate resiliency. We work closely with many partners across Canada and internationally and leverage the knowledge and skills of a strong group of Associates.

At times, the most effective way to adapt to climate change is to mainstream climate considerations into existing planning and policy processes. CRI works with all levels of government, Indigenous communities, and private sector organizations to support the consideration of climate change in various planning and management processes, including enterprise risk management, hazard identification and risk assessment, corporate planning, infrastructure renewal and official plan development. These ‘familiar’ pathways help ease the burden of finding the right method to tackle a complex issue such as climate change.

CRI works collaboratively with a range of players in Canada and internationally to mobilize knowledge and build capacity for improved climate resiliency practices across professions and sectors. In this regard, three CRI flagship programs include the Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) Credentialing Program, the PIEVC Program, and CanAdapt.

CanaAdapt is brought to you by the Climate Risk Institute, the Resilience By Design Lab
and Natural Resources Canada.