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Resilience by Design Lab

Climate adaptation capacity-building through education, training and research projects at Royal Roads University.


The Resilience by Design (RbD) Research Lab at Royal Roads University rests on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Xwsepsum (Esquimalt) and Lkwungen (Songhees) families and their ancestors, now known as Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

On the understanding that climate action is inherently collective action, the Resilience by Design Lab seeks out and works with diverse not-for-profit partners. Our goal with these partnerships is to accelerate and extend collaboration and climate action networks.

RbD works with youth and working professionals to build their capacity as climate action leaders and changemakers. We use a range of applied and participatory research methods (e.g., Creative Action Research, digital storytelling, arts-based methods, deep engagement) and upskilling strategies (e.g., designing competency-informed education and training) to explore and address the complex and interwoven challenges posed by climate change, disaster risk reduction, and workforce upskilling.

Vision and Mission

The interdisciplinary RbD team is committed to addressing the complex challenge of climate change and disaster risk reduction through research, upskilling, and leadership development. Our projects engage working professionals and youth in capacity building initiatives and participatory, action-oriented research. We believe in the potential of all youth and adults as leaders of resilience and transformative change.


Inspiring Innovation

Innovation requires a deep understanding of past, present and future relevant issues. The RbD Lab designs and facilitates collaborative processes that invite new ideas and support actions to address current challenges while seeding the potential for a more generative and compassionate future.

Weaving Connections

The RbD Lab weaves the fabric of social change by connecting youth, working professionals and academia to share knowledge, ideas, research, and experiences on climate action across multiple sectors.

Seeding Change

The RbD Lab creates fertile intellectual ground for seeding change by connecting individuals across generations, adopting a transdisciplinary, multi-solving mindset, and developing and sharing open-access resources to support climate action.

CanaAdapt is brought to you by the Climate Risk Institute, the Resilience By Design Lab
and Natural Resources Canada.