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Professions Advancing Adaptation Competencies

An initiative of Canada’s national engineering, planning, accounting, and landscape architecture associations.


Canada's changing climate stands as a significant challenge, impacting both society and the environment in profound ways. As the reality of climate impacts becomes increasingly tangible, there is an urgent need for Canada's workforce to adapt, embracing new professional capacities to effectively respond to, and manage, these changes. This project aims to address the gap in professional capacities by focusing on the development of new skillsets and competencies that are crucial for climate change adaptation across all sectors. In alignment with Canada's National Adaptation Strategy, which outlines targets for climate change adaptation competencies at the national level for specific professions, this initiative seeks to thoroughly assess the current landscape of professional competency frameworks alongside existing climate adaptation competencies.

Drawing from the expertise and insights of national professional associations representing engineers, planners, landscape architects, and accountants, the project will utilize a collaborative approach involving a Project Steering Committee and profession-specific sub-committees. These committees, populated by volunteers from each profession with demonstrated experience in climate change adaptation and relevant competencies, will guide the development of tailored competencies for their respective fields. In doing so, the project emphasizes inclusivity, aiming to assemble groups that reflect the diversity of professional experiences and specializations while ensuring the representation of equity-deserving groups. Ultimately, the project seeks to empower practicing professionals within these four key sectors by equipping them with the necessary competencies to navigate and lead in the face of a changing climate, positioning Canada as a leader in climate adaptation efforts.

CanaAdapt is brought to you by the Climate Risk Institute, the Resilience By Design Lab
and Natural Resources Canada.